Monday, August 15, 2005

No 9/11 tapes

The 9/11 tapes are being released again, I guess it should be obvious why they are releasing them now, -but I don't need to hear 'em. I put my time in for three months after 9/11, feeding on every information source available.

I -had- to feel as if I understood everything as GOOD as it could possibly be understood, talking to friends that were there, replaying the video and audio, watching the news 24/7. that led continued up to and through the ride to Baghdad.

I'm happy to say, I don't -need- to revisit 9/11 in a graphic manner, along those lines. I never even saw a beheading (with the possible exception of some old 1920's French Guillotine public beheading which was filmed from about a mile away)

I never saw any torture, pics, (unless you count panties on the head) -never cruised for gruesome crap like so many do today, -I think I've seen my share of tragedy and calamity in real life, I could never see how a picture or a video of a beheading could be edifying to me in anyway, and I wonder about anyone that even dabbles in that crap.

Understand the full scope of the tragedy that occured on 9/11 but if you're tempted to go watch morbid footage, forget about it.. -Go have a laugh instead.

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